Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kindergarten Cutie!

Colby started Kindergarten at Hurricane Creek Elemetary last week. He absolutely loves school and is doing extremely well. His teacher says his is "Mr. Social" and talks to everyone in the class. I love that about him! We are just having to work on when talking is allowed. He gets up very easily in the morning and has given us no problems about going to bed earlier. He is exhausted and I think this is why he doesn't put up a fight. I did very well on the first day and held it together for the most part. It is still so surreal to me that I have a baby in school. Chanley and I are keeping ourselves very busy while he is gone and getting some quality mommmy/daughter time in. She cannot wait to pick him up in the afternoon and squeals so loudly when he gets in the car. It is precious! Here are some pictures of his first day of school.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ta Da!!

Here is Chanley's 2nd Birthday invitation...Kalina you are amazing, thank you so very much for all your hard work and talent!! I know sometimes my crazy ideas are a little much but you made it more than perfect. Thanks again for all your help!!

And here is the thank you card she made to match....ADORABLE!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Little Swimmer

Here is Chanley the fish!

Favorite Cousins

After church on Sunday we went swimming at Jereomy's cousins house. She has two boys that Colby just adores and cannot get enough playtime with. They swam for hours and Chanley impressed us all by doggie paddling all over the pool. She has no fear...which scares me to death! Thanks Jeannie and Tracy for having us over...we had a blast!

Mr and Mrs William Adams

Last Saturday Jereomy's cousin Billy got married. Jereomy was a groomsman and Colby was a ring bearer, and I must say they were two of the most handsome boys I have ever seen. Megan was a beautiful bride and the wedding was beautiful. Thanks to both of you for choosing Colby and Jereomy to be in your wedding was an honor to them both!